Got a question? Ask Barbara!
Barbara is Amoré’s president and she has decades of experience going back to when she ran Vancouver’s Animal Control program to over a decade of making premium, wholesome raw cat and dog food and treats. So if you have any questions about our food, your furkids, the pet food industry, pet nutrition or any topic you can think of, ask here and she will personally answer. And if she doesn’t know the answer, she’ll do her best to find out or will tell you she doesn’t know! Think of her as your BarbaraGPT.
Click on each to see answers or use the search. Can’t find an answer – ask Barbara by submitting a question with the form on this page. (Include a photo of your furkid if you’d like us to be able to include it when we post your question and Baraba’s answer.)
MS asked: Do you ship to the US? I’m in Georgia and the website is telling me No. Barbara’s answer: Yes, we do ship to the US and work is being done on the website to enable ordering directly but for now, orders are taken over the phone at +1(778) 892-6673. We hope to have US shipping options available by end of August 2024.