Barbara’s answer:
One one the great things about our food is you can rehydrate, but you don’t have to. I depends on how much water your dog drinks on his own.
If he’s not a big water drinker, rehydrate. If he drinks lots of water, then no need to! Personally, I feed my dog straight from the bag. He’s 26 months old, VERY energetic, and drinks a lot of water!
There is a lot of advice on the internet, much of it nonsense! One of my favourites is that dog cookies are good for brushing a dog’s teeth. To me, that’s the equivalent of me telling people to brush their teeth with cookies.
The best thing is nature’s toothbrush, raw bones, yak milk chews, and the enzymes from raw meat. I give Dusty a a raw chicken neck or yak milk chew. They keep him busy for hours and his teeth sparkly white.
If you find stuff on the internet and you want a 2nd opinion, I’m here! I’ve been making this food for 18 years and in the industry for 20. Money has never been my objective, the health and well-being of our four-legged companions is my goal.